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Villains Background

Our Charter

The biggest reason the Villains are in existance is that we felt that the other clans needed some competition, and we wanted to have a voice in the Serious Sam Gaming community.  Currently, the Villains have a forum that can be accessed at www.gamemecca.net

History of Our Club

The Villains were established on 13 December 2002, and founded by Mr. Die Hard.  He began recruiting immediatley and in less than one month, was within the top100 ranking in CSports.net

Our Club Officers

The club officers are as follows;
Die Hard                 Founder
Death Sentence       Leader
Fantum                   President
Poert                      Vice President
Slay                        Tournament Coordinator
Strongbad               Technical Advisor


Die Hard is Founder of Villains!  It's all his fault that the Villains are in existence.  Thanks Die Hard!